February 3, 2012 LifeNaut and Bina48 in the News! Bruce Bionics, Human Avatars, Lifenaut Users, News, News Coverage, Personality Archiving, Robotics AI., artificial, Avatar, beyond, computers, death, intelligence, LIfenaut, mindfiles, Robot, Terasem 0 Bina48 an early demonstration of "mindfile" transfer at Lifeanaut.com The LifeNaut project and its social robot Bina48 are featured in a Vermont local newspaper. This is a an excellent article about “mindfiles” and the purpose of the Lifenaut Project: http://www.addisonindependent.com/201202robot-blurs-biological-boundaries
#Cybertwin, Human Avatars, Lifenaut Users, News, News Coverage, Personality Archiving, press, Uncategorized Empowerment of Cybertwins as Trustees, Surrogates for Reanimation Decision Making….