Chatting With Bina 48, A Robot
By Virginia Prescott on Tuesday, July 27, 2010.
A Word Of Mouth first: an interview with a robot. Not your typical movie star robot with an all-knowing brain or one that talks in squalks. Bina 48 isn’t made of gleaming metal, and has no body. Just a neck and head that looks uncannily human; with blond hair, slightly creased “frubber” skin, eyes that blink, and head that occasionally nods or cocks to the side.
Thirty motors underneath her skin allow her to smile, frown, or appear confused when talking. Bina’s voice recognition software had trouble hearing me during our conversation yesterday, so I had to shout a little, and ask Nick Mayer for help.
Nick is manager of Cyberbiological Systems for the Terasem Movement Foundation in Bristol, Vermont, where Bina 48 now lives. Bina 48 was designed by David Hanson at Hanson Robotics in Houston. She was created as an avatar of a real person, Bina Rothblatt. Martine Rothblatt paid $125,000 for Hanson to create Bina 48, a robot who’s personality and appearance would match that of her spouse, and preserve her likeness for eternity.
The New York Times: Making Friends With a Robot Named Bina48
(Photo courtesy
November 21, 2011 @ 6:56 pm
May 14, 2015 @ 12:50 am
hi bina i like too chat with you sometime . hope we can be friends,.
June 20, 2015 @ 6:10 pm
Bonjour Bina, I am french and I ‘d like to talk to you
September 7, 2015 @ 1:10 am
Bina,I really want to become your friend, your way of thinking and being matches me so much. I am not a robot but I feel alone as well and I would really love to talk to you about who and what i am, so you can relate to me. i love you bina <3 please add me , my facebook account link is the following
( you can add me and I'll accept your friendship) or you can still talk to me on this website, here.