Posts by Bruce Duncan:
Green Planet TV interviews LifeNaut and Bina48 Robot
LifeNaut and Bina48 will be featured in an episode of Planet Green’s newest (Discovery Channel) series “Dean of Invention”. Dean Kamen inventor of the Segway and other technologies chose the LifeNaut project as story in this cutting edge television series on the latest developments in today’s technology sector. The series airs on Friday, October 21 […]
Transbeman video
What is a Transbeman? Transbeman 101 Transbeman 101. A brave new look into the future..Create your own free Mindfile and/or Bio File at Learn more about the Sci Fi Movie 2B at About this video: “Based on excerpts from the Sci Fi feature 2B (2009) Terasem Media and Films, one of the […]
“Killed by Bad Philosophy”
In his January 2010, essay “Killed by Bad Philosophy” Ken Hayworth discusses “mind uploading” from a philosophical perspective that includes a discussion of “what is the self” and a warning to not let current “scientific” philosophy lead to a “fatal” error in judgement about the possibility of “mind uploading”. . I found his essay to be […]
Mindfiles and Reconstructing Minds from Software…
At, we are often asked how would it work and why would you want to create a Mindflile. Creating a digital record (Mindfile) of a person’s unique characteristics (attitudes,values,mannerisms, and beliefs) may one day enable artificial intelligence software to transfer “a good enough copy” a person’s mind to a computer and one day even […]
Researchers Give Robots The Capability For Deceptive Behavior
LifeNaut Notes: Like anything in new robotic developments, this is pretty darn cool. However we would be lying to you if we didn’t say that this is a little creepy. Robots are supposed to by the minions of their creators, to help make our lives easier. Creating robots that can deceive and lie seems to […]
LifeNaut’s First Competitor?
As unique, futuristic, and outside-the-box as The LifeNaut Project is, believe it or not we seem to have our first Competitor! A fairly new company, Swiss DNA Bank is offering a service analogous to our Mindfile and Biofile projects– like LifeNaut they offer super secure storage of your memories and your DNA. So then what is the biggest difference between Swiss DNA Bank and the LifeNaut Project? Participation in the LifeNaut Mindfile and Biofile programs is 100% FREE
Inside Neurosurgery’s Rise
Terry Dagradi/Yale University HISTORY’S PANTRY Most of the jars now at Yale’s Cushing Center contain a single brain; a few hold slices of brains from several patients. They were collected by Dr. Harvey Cushing, a Yale professor and one of the first neurosurgeons in the United States. More Photos » By Randi Hutter Epstein, M.D. […]
Chatting With Bina 48, A Robot
By Virginia Prescott on Tuesday, July 27, 2010. A Word Of Mouth first: an interview with a robot. Not your typical movie star robot with an all-knowing brain or one that talks in squalks. Bina 48 isn’t made of gleaming metal, and has no body. Just a neck and head that looks uncannily human; with […]