Alternatives for Very Long-Term Storage of Personal Information & Materials
LifeNaut was featured in April 2013 issue of Cyronics magazine titled, “Alternatives for Very Long-Term Storage of Personal Information & Materials”. Below is an excerpt and link to full article in PDF format:
An important consideration for many cryonicists and other immortalists is the long-term storage of information and materials such as audio and video recordings, photos, documents and records, to be retrieved at the time of revival or cloning. In the future these simply may be welcome and ejoyable connections to one’s prior life, or they could serve as aids in reconstructing one’s identity and personality. Storage may also include objects such as memorabilia or those with possible future value such as precious metals and jewels, or even tissue and DNA samples. Assuming that revival could take as long as a hundred or hundreds of years to become feasible, it would not be reasonable to expect that one can leave records and material with friends or relatives and expect them to be continually garded, maintained, and passed on through future generations. This article is a brief survey of currently available methods of potentially very long-term storage, including discussion of their respective advantages and disadvantages, and some recommendations by the author…