Welcome to LifeNaut.com
Create your Mindfile and Biofile today.
LifeNaut.com is a web based research project that allows anyone to create a digital back-up of their mind and genetic code.The ultimate goal of our research project is to explore the transfer of human consciousness to computers/robots and beyond.
A MindFile is a database of personal reflections captured in video, image, audio and documents about yourself, that can be saved, searched, downloaded and shared with friends. Each account comes with an interactive Avatar that becomes more like you the more you teach and train it to think like you (free).
The Bio File allows you to collect (*biofile kit purchase required) and store a copy of your DNA for free. Participate in one of the most future forward research projects of our time.
What’s it like to be a Transbeman?
“What is a Mindclone?
What is the Terasem Mind Uploading Experiment?
The Terasem Mind Uploading Experiment informs the Lifenaut Project and is a multi-decade experiment designed to test for the comparability of a person’s uploaded digital reflections (mannerisms, attitudes, beliefs, values and behaviors) or “personal consciousness”mindfile. In the final evaluation phase of the experiment sample mindfiles will be assessed through a review of their digitized attributes and interactions e.g. Avatar compared to that of the source person’s purported human consciousness as assessed by expert psychological interviews of personality software that draws upon a database comprised of the original actual person’s digitized interactions… [Read more]
Empowerment of Cybertwins as Trustees, Surrogates for Reanimation Decision Making….
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“What is a Mindclone?
What is the Terasem Mind Uploading Experiment?
The Terasem Mind Uploading Experiment informs the Lifenaut Project and is a multi-decade experiment designed to test for the comparability of a person’s uploaded digital reflections (mannerisms, attitudes, beliefs, values and behaviors) or “personal consciousness”mindfile. In the final evaluation phase of the experiment sample mindfiles will be assessed through a review of their digitized attributes and interactions e.g. Avatar compared to that of the source person’s purported human consciousness as assessed by expert psychological interviews of personality software that draws upon a database comprised of the original actual person’s digitized interactions… [Read more]